The Good News Factory



Ellie Braun-Haley
Calgary, Alberta
March 9, 2014

I took my mom grocery shopping on Tuesday. Once a month the grocery stores have 10% off day. It is always the first Tuesday of each month. I am trying to develop a new habit of driving the 90 minutes to the city to take mom on this outing.

I think she had God's angels watching over her on our last trip. We drove to the grocery store and the place was packed when suddenly a car pulled out of a prime parking spot. Then as we got out I said, "I'll get a cart so you don't have to use your cane mom." No sooner were the words uttered and I spied a vagrant cart some four yards (or meters) away. This likely seems like such a little thing, but mom is in her nineties and has had both hips replaced. She gets tired easily so the less walking or standing around she has to do the better.

Even as we finished the shopping there were those angels of hers again. We were in a long line up when a cashier motioned us to another till, "I'm just opening my till, come over here."

Outside as I got mom settled in the van she asked: "Did you get your money back?" We had two carts and I paid a quarter for the use of the cart (one was sitting alone and no quarter was necessary). The quarter is returned to you when the cart is returned to the mighty cart corral!

"No, Mom," I explained, " I am working on something. Each time I am finished with a cart I look around for someone to give it to. I offer the cart to a stranger and the stranger offers me their quarter and I say, no thanks, my treat! It is fascinating to see the smile they give in return and their rich warm thank yous are uplifting."

I went on to tell mom about what happened this time: "Today the lady I gave the first cart to had a cane and I knew she could use the cart in the same way you do. She was so surprised and pleased. I figure where else could I get such a good feeling that only cost me a quarter. I also know that I've helped to put that person in a good mood. So mom, it's a new thing I'm working on spending a quarter then reaping the great feelings! "